
flinging the insults or defending the people who were benefitting from them. 

flinging the insults or defending the people who were benefitting from them. 

dems gonna fall for it because they’re ultimately the left faction of our one party system and don’t have much they disagree with republicans with. 

As a communist, this insults me. 

so weird that these journalist care about saudi arabia after they murdered a fellow journalist getting murdered but were and still are pretty quiet about yemen.

in american, the haute bourgeoisie is the only class that is class consciousness.  

my favorite thing about the trump era is that he really shows how the world works and how liberals inability and/or refusal to accept reality.

i meant commodity. 

pretty far left 

if california was as left as republicans think, it would at least vote out feinstein. one of the most liberal states is represented by the biggest centrist ever. 

i’m definitely not trolling. i’m just wondering what idiot thinks i’m expecting the revolution to come tomorrow or even in my lifetime. doesn’t mean i shouldn’t strive for it. instead of “when the revolution comes” you want me to say when “push comes to shove” to make you feel better?

that’s really the best you can do? weak. 

“No wonder we’re the laughingstock of the UN.”

cool story, bro. now fuck off. 

what identity do the dems have except for “taking money from wall street while kicking their constituents in the mouth.

there’s no differences between parties. any difference is purely cosmetic. they are two wings of the same party. 

in america a home should be considered private property and therefore will be appropriated if revolution does come. 

liberalism is the ideology that arises out of capitalism. it is rooted in the defense of private property and individualism. two things fascists then and now claim (and do) defend. case and point is milton friedman, the neoliberal, defending pinochet or how about this quote from mises, a self professed “classic

nice, you might actually be getting it! i just hope you get it before you’ll start backing fascist to defend your private property.

fascism isn’t opposed to liberalism, it’s the logical end goal of liberalism.