Set PSMove controllers to fun.
yay! now i can dust off my 3ds, and use it for another five minutes trying its "new" features before i realize again that IT'S STILL FUCKING GAMELESS.
cool, mickey cohen is in this movie.
almost a window seat...
*clap! clap! clap! clap!*
"better with Kinect"
that was nice. :)
i've never owned one of their controllers personally, but i heard that lately they've been much higher in quality than they used to be.
that trailer made me feel like i had a nosebleed.
that was really cute how the weighted companion cube tumbled into view.
the funniest part of this whole joke is that this is supposed to be a serious media brand and i can't even take the name seriously. let alone the fact that i'm giving them some of my most crucial information, and their name is attributed to an emotion whose satisfaction is the central motive for spying...
...or the act of killing a cat.
i don't like it when i'm unsure of how to pronounce a brand's name.
i actually thought you were ironically commenting at the unpolished splendor of this video-quip.
hmm, i wonder how he likes his eggs... shaved, or hairy?
i'm glad that there's so much great shit out there for me to occupy my time with, that i can afford to boycott zynga and any properties they even breathe on.
no disrespect, but i'm also unsure if i want to see much more than her pretty face.