
I know, right?

haha! dang, didn't notice him there!

my PC barely cuts the mustard with the first Witcher.

Hmm. I guess Master Chief must have buns of steel.


ahh. i see what you're getting at.

no matter how the buttons are mapped, you're still pushing them in response to stimuli.

...but isn't gameplay not but a bunch of quicktime events stung together to form a structure for people to enjoy?


good lord i hope you're right.

agreed. nobody who follows Fox News daily is gonna remember that segment had anything to do with games or art.

well... back to the kitchen!!

all kinds of great entries this week; that Jordan one was insta-win.

the whole entire point of the clip was to gift a scapegoat to their loyal mindslaves, and to scream about Obama and "billions in taxes".


we're all hipsters here.

that cover pic of her... is just... so beautiful...

long time ninty customer here. i feel like their main problem is that they take advanced tech and try to shoe-horn that shit into a product that has the integrity of a PEZ dispenser. sure, it looks solid enough, and for the most part it works, but where the fuck is the substance besides the sugar-based pills they been

"E" for "Everyone".

The Goonies game guide? a bestseller? in JAPAN?!