
Has nothing to do with being white, dipshit. Black people, Hispanics, and Asians do it too. You just willingly ignore it. Fuck off back to Gawker.

Straight Canadian = pussies/wimps. So no dice. Try again, sweetie.

“then mistakenly report that Hans Gruber had ties to ISIS and shouted out “ALLAHU AKBAR” before icing Mister Takagi.”

Guilty white liberals like you enable him, Diana. YOU and your race-baiting, anti-cop ilk are responsible for people like Brown being venerated.

That honours list is long because of a little thing called World War I, dipshit.

And that Kevin is why you are and always will be nothing more than a “critic” and clickbait sheep for a content mill like Deadspin.

Saying “hard work pays off” is propaganda? Please fuck off back to Gawker, dipshit.

My Federer bias is showing but it just makes me that much more in awe of Roger.

Your friends who drooled over him and live and breath OSU football? Yeah, I’m sure they are real objective.

Eh, the faculty aren’t exactly heroes. Warmed over hippies who have nice comfy tenured jobs, teach very little, and get paid fat six figure salaries.

Inland California would do well. The PC pussies of the Bay Area and LA would make sure California would crumble quickly.

Please stop being a sanctimonious self-hating American who constantly talks about how awesome European soccer is. You come across as an arrogant dipshit.

So Simmons was right and predicted race baiting dipshits like you would gin up some “outrage.”

Now imagine what we could do if we had our best athletes playing this sport instead of our third tier guys.