
I find all the attention mechanical keyboards are getting very strange.

I find all the attention mechanical keyboards are getting very strange.

It would seem your post is saying that machines can't operate a cockpit, but most people couldn't either...

If you have a little extra time, you can stay on the train and view the City Hall Station as the train makes its turnaround. We plan on doing just that later this week.



Notice the "Hip" in the title :P

A number of the images in the video seem to be from Photoshop or Illustrator, which is not at all uncommon for creating web design comps, but I highly doubt that Dreamweaver was used for any part of the production site (unless Adobe's apparent sponsorship of the project required it). I am a web developer, and I

The ability to reach out and touch my screen in passing is something I've wanted many many times. Also... Windows 8 is also made to be touched.

This guy is trying to entertain us. Please just appreciate that and save the lecture.

Using iMovie on an iMac at school impressed me so much that had to learn more. Down the rabbit hole I fell :)

"Visitors to the site who use IE7 will see a pop-up message suggesting that they install a "better browser", with links to Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera"


I personally use it to follow people directing my field (web development). It's perfect because it's separate from all my friendly social networking on Facebook (it also requires less time to check, which is good for work). If none of your friends used Facebook it would be pointless as well, since all of my role

I totally took it that way and was at first surprised by the responses.

How is it "hard to doubt" that this could be something other than a plane?

The thing is that you aren't buying the content, you own the disc/bytes but the media is licensed from the actual owner for a certain set of uses. Some uses that are acceptably "fair" do not fall within the licensed uses, therefore fair use legislation.

Based on the improvement from the last trailer to this one, I have high hopes for the final flick. I'm just curious if this level of realism takes 10 times the amount of work a set with real actors would require.

Consider for a second how much duplication there is when you compare (current) paper news with digital news. It's a waste of time to continue going forward with the archive, although digital versions of papers before the digital dawn would surely find an audience; I guess 250 years worth will have to to.

Well sir, you make a fantastic point. Kind of puts a spin on things for me... Thanks!

Sounds logical enough, but keep in mind that the existence of solar panels was threatened the moment someone whispered about replacing fossil. I think this is just a detour to discount decades of research so that we can start the hunt over again and profit from every step.