
Maybe you should read my post again, then again. Or maybe it’s my english writing since i’m not EMT...but i’ll explain again: what people do in the privacy of their life it’s no one’s or straight.

They do...which is an equally vulgar thing to do. remember Trump bragging about how he grabs women’s pussy? Wasn’t that vulgar, low-level humanity type of thing to do?

1. He was bragging about how he likes bjs....not one of his conquests.

This is exactly the kind of behaviour and big mouth that irritates people and puts a bad image on the gay community. Most people don’t have a problem with gays, they have a problem with the “aggressive” gays. Please tell me why do you feel necessary to yell to the world your sexual practices (cocksucking in this case)

If you’re using microwave you’re not really cooking😏 Well at least that’s the idea here in Italy. Get rid of that’s bad for your health. It’s really really easy to eat a helthy, mediteranean diet. Most of the diahes are simple, 3-6 ingredients

Now playing

On the issues of internet connection I think everyone should take a step back, breathe, and watch Louis CK explain it for you 😂

Damn’ you and your reverse psychology! I just I want my life back! 😂

“ Like a frigtened turtle! “

What? Never set foot in Austria or have any academic ties to it but whatever...this is “the net” where people draw conclusions on someone’s existence from 5 lines of text😂

I have a Phd in economics from a top european university. I would like to explain to you but I have a life (wife, kids and work) and no time to go into it on a comment section of a blog.

Well, you got that right. Dollar, at the current state IS the biggest scam. Any economist, even a basically trained one who doesn’t have an agenda will tell you that just by looking at the numbers. Personally I estimate the REAL value of the dollar at around 5-10 cents. The ammount of financial acrobatics involved to

If you haven’t figure that out yet..

LOL it was a chain of cosmetics stores so girls were beautiful (most of them anyway). 

It’s really easy....keep ANYTHING even remotely sexual out of your work place. That’s it, done. You save yourself a lot of headache and possibly career ending situations. It has worked wonderful for me.

How so? Honest question.

How about both and then some? 😂

BEST hell representation by a long shot is in “Constantine” the movie. Case closed.

Yes they did. Good eye👏🏻

I did wildlife photography for many years. Most use middle or top of the line Dslr...usually 2 bodies, one full frame for low light and ambient shots (20-70mm lens or the 70-200mm), and one crop sensor Dslr with a long lens (100-400mm, 500mm, 600mm) for reach.

I for one wait for OzzyMan’s “reviews” before I decide😂