I’m a black man and I get pissed off when people get offended about dumb stuff. Clint Eastwood and I probably have different standards of what is dumb, though.
I’m a black man and I get pissed off when people get offended about dumb stuff. Clint Eastwood and I probably have different standards of what is dumb, though.
I spoke to two pro trump people this week and both are completely motivated by a hatred of hillary that borders on the pathological. When asked why they hate her the reply is that she is a liar. But they seem unconcerned that trump lies. It’s a very interesting bit of cognitive dissonance
I’ll go further than that, I believe he’s a malignant narcissist (or narcissistic sociopath), and that malignant narcissists increasingly seem to occupy many [if not most] of the top positions within the GOP. Birds of a feather...
“He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a slimy con man.”
It’s an artisinal fairy.
your “naiveness” to the word “naivete”, as well as your condescending attitude, is astounding.
He really should have apologized. It’s pretty unprofessional to be playing a game while at work. At least he was honest about his actions. Still pretty shitty though.
You're not growing the wheat or the avocados? Poser.
Step 1. Grind all flour by hand.
Step 2. Knead Bread like a cat for like hours.
Step 3. Bake bread in the stone oven in your cabin in the woods.
Step 4. Cool Bread and watch for bears
Step 5. Cut Bread with axe
Step 6. Get in your land rover and go to Whole Foods for avocados
Step 7. Go back home.
Step 8. Re-examine your…
And now these over-grown children are being targeted by muggers (they do like low-hanging fruit, and probably don’t expect much resistance from this crowd). Grow the fuck up, America - you’ve got far more important things to attend to.
Call a doctor, your sense of humor is broken.
Your poor Fiesta. That makes me sad.
Right? What kind of parent doesn’t see an 1180 SAT score and go, “Honey, I love you very much, but we need to be realistic about this.”
I’m a long time out of college but my parents advice would have been “do better at another school and transfer”
I wouldn’t be totally shocked if her parents were the ones who put this in her head. Mommy and Daddy were embarrassed that their legacy didn’t hold enough sway with the Admissions Office to get her in so “blame the coloreds” and don’t let her think she didn’t get in because their alumnus checks weren’t big enough.
IT is unutterably sad to me that her parents did not sit her down and make her realize that she did not get in to the college of her choice because she did not earn it. Bottom line. These upper middle class parents need to get real with their offspring: race and money can only get you so far. Granted, it will get you…
Well, you don't want to take any chances when you cork.