1. how is it possible that michael jackson is her biological father?? did his cum have vitiligo on it that made her white??
1. how is it possible that michael jackson is her biological father?? did his cum have vitiligo on it that made her white??
why does the university have to be responsible for this? just scrape that load out of your cooch with a popsicle stick and store it in a cool, dry Ziplock(TM) bag.
matt lauer is an ENTERTAINMENT REPORTER. just because he is going bald gracefully doesn’t give him any extra credibility in the integrity department. maybe a little.
this is apparently a thing, according to a trend piece i read. “millenials” (who are, depending on who you consult, either in their 30s or teens. nobody is sure who these people are) like to make memes about how 9/11 was a big funny joke.
this case reminds me of albert camus’ the stranger. the guy commits a murder in self defense in this story, but what he gets sent to the gas chamber for isn’t for the murder as much as for his bad attitude on the witness stand. he doesn’t show the requisite emotions. he even admits he didn’t cry when his own mother…
if a girl i was fucking told me to stop right when i was about to cum, i would stop. but man, would i think she was a sick fucking bitch.
yes. it is a suit that looks like an old-timey suit. what the fuck is the issue here???
please remind sean that he is not a white man, but a half gook.
its sexist in the same way that calling a white man racist is racist against whites. its a common tactic of the bigot. affirmative action is racist, you see, because if the blacks want to be equal then they shouldn’t accept a leg-up. mansplaining is sexist because if its sexist to complain about women nagging, then it…