
Count the motherfucking clauses in that sentence. Forget the horrifying shit show that was the topic, any editor who let that damn clusterfuck out the door should be fired on the spot for that alone.

And, OMG these people, if you are part of a couple and you book an aisle seat and a window seat in the hopes that no one takes the middle and then someone sits in the middle seat and you don’t offer to switch and instead hold whole conversations over middle’s head YOU ARE MONSTER PEOPLE.

The cookie story is the polar opposite of a juicy gossip story. Like, you couldn’t find a more lame-ass story about a celebrity if you tried.

Perhaps I'm just an old, but with all the awful I've read about it, HOW IS UBER STILL A THING.

Why does anyone use Uber? Seems shady not just with the threats and mistreatments, but they don’t have fair pay practices. So why do people? Genuinely curious as to when/why you choose it.

There’s a geography professor at a college/university?