
That greedy bastard was waiting for the market to mature so he could make just a few more sales. This is what happens to you as a filmmaker when money becomes more important to you than the integrity of your work or your fans. You become like this guy.

This place will be a ghost town once alternative energy is used en masse.


War atrocities will happen with or without funding...

Great... the most generic rock band ever.

Monitoring your child like that is creepy. Either trust them or take away the game.

@Praetor: I think its crowning achievement was the fully modeled battles. They were still experimenting with everything else and they still did it better than anyone else.

Rome II FTW. I can still hang on to the belief that this is all just an elaborate prank by CA and on launch day they'll say 'Psych! We were just kidding, because everyone knows 250 BC- 250 AD in the Mediterranean is five hundred times more interesting than Feudal Japan!' A man can dream...

Now playing

Pshhh no heart of steel? What is that Gears of War? More like... Tears of War...

@Walking Eye!: Plus you've never had to shove up Civ4 up your butt to keep playing it...

Tricorns were last game. These hats are shakos (see image #6). It seems last game was supposed to take place around 1700 and this game is shooting for about 1800-1820.

Hopefully the cutscenes will take up less than 60% of the time it took to beat this game. Oh and a coherent storyline that doesn't have characters constantly repeating things that don't even make sense would be awesome as well. Other than that concern, gameplay looks sweet and graphics look impressive.

Perfection takes time. And money.

This looks cool but the only racers I plunk down cash for are Forza, Mario Kart, and of course Gran Turismo. I rented Burnout Paradise and had some fun, but I couldn't justify a purchase. This is by the same dev and looks sweet but my local Blockbuster closed so I don't know if I can rent it/play it. Oh well :-/

I guess Valve realized that there actually is money in Playstation. I bet Kaz Hirai feels pretty smug right now...

Oh my god yes! I've been checking this site every day since this games announcement looking for news! I could not be happier. This game is so hyped and there are legions of fans just waiting to buy. I think the credit for all the buzz lies in the constant flow of updates and details and the interesting premise of the

"Kinectimals". Seriously. From the console that is home to the most gruesomely awesome of games, we get Kinectimals. Clearly Microsoft is going for the 8 year old Latina girl market. There is no other excuse. Kinect will be a fun curiosity and a neat way to control the dashboard, but I'm faithful to my good old