Thanks for the straightforward response and I see your point. He just thrives on any kind of attention and part of me wants to see that attention taken away from him; to see him ignored or dismissed.
Thanks for the straightforward response and I see your point. He just thrives on any kind of attention and part of me wants to see that attention taken away from him; to see him ignored or dismissed.
He makes for great television.
I was an accident, and my parents discussed abortion for several reasons I won’t get into here, but completely understand.
I don't feel comfortable changing in front of people. I use the changing room.
His period pain is just more authentic than hers.
Bernie Sanders has a plan to outlaw all period pain if you dum bitchez would just LISTEN!!11!
Has Jess the Reaper commented to blame period pain on Hillary Clinton yet?
If there is a hell, all these born again people better be praying I don’t go, because my personal hell would have to be full of born again Christians, and I’d be dragging a ton of them with me.
If hell’s not funny or cool, how come everyone’s always like, “that’s cool as hell,” and “she’s funny as hell”? I don't get it.
Heaven for the weather.
Kardashian’s are so thristy -
they carry custom-made perpetual “life straws” that can even suck gallons of attention out of stone.
I had gallstones and no one stuck their finger up my butt.
If you come into the ER with a heart attack and you’re a woman, they’ll diagnose you with anxiety (hysteria).
I was just speaking to a woman the other night who had spent about 8 months have all kinds of health issues, mostly debilitating pain, and kept being dismissed as a hypochondriac at the nearest hospital. One night when she was in absolute agony, her husband managed to get an ambulance to take her to another hospital…
I wonder if that was the day I had a burst ectopic and needed emergency surgery and they treated me like I was drug seeking?
Ha! It never occurred to me to put my nieces & nephews to work like that.
I have a large scar on my chin that I got from a very stupid incident. I was in 8th grade and my father drove us through the SE US with a ultimate destination of New Orleans during my spring break. I was just at that point starting to need to shave, but I forgot my razor at home. I bought a crappy Bic disposable in…
My Dad told me that if you could keep your tongue out of the gap caused by losing a tooth, a gold one would grow in its place.
Dads. <3