
Ehhh, pharmacists are more chemists than medical professionals. But still, you don’t see my vegetarian ass working in a butcher shop.

JUST FOR THE SAKE OF ARGUMENT: Does anyone know the pharmacist’s age? It might be possible that he has been a pharmacist since before abortion pills existed, therefore, refraining from becoming a pharmacist due to being against abortion pills would not have been a factor here. HOWEVER, he shouldn’t be able to get away

I GUARANTEE you they’ll fill boner pills...’cuz...blessed be the fruit and all that.

There were semi-nude scenes, and scenes where it was specifically focused on the female-ness of Brandon’s body. 

I mean, fuck, I guess female urologists just like fondling balls all day?

They choose gynecology because the patients are usually healthy and not sick, they deal with new life rather than impending death, and they get to see the same patients throughout their whole lives. Don’t assume it’s all perversion and “hurr hurr let’s look at jay-jays bro!” Gynecology is a whole lot more than staring

People are already suspicious of male physicians who choose to specialize in gynecology, and this asshole makes it so much worse. Fuck him.

I think he’s one of those people that just really wants to be in love.

I feel like Pete Davidson is one of those guys that will hopelessly love and adore anyone who will date him. There’s nothing wrong with that, some folks are just like that. Some people just badly want to be in love, and that’s just fine. My husband is one of those people. It’s not a stretch to think that in Pete’s

Yep, I was just coming in to comment this, too. He’s OBVIOUSLY Woody Allen’s kid. No Sinatra DNA whatsoever. Mmhmm. None.

I did CPR on my mother, and it didn’t help. Even the neurologist later said that it wouldn’t have helped, but thanks for trying.

Yeah, the “ writing!!!!!!!!!!!!” part was just unnecessary keystrokes for you.

The school district I graduated from has so many problems, but AT LEAST every elementary school child (regardless of family income) gets free lunch and breakfast every single school day. It’s a start.

Teenaged mothers have babies with Down syndrome, too. Dumbass. How’s that 1930s science working for you?

They’re already normal, dumbfuck. They’re not holograms.

He’s perfect, and I’m happy they’re changing the definition of beauty. I really hope this doesn’t make people forget that there are disabled adults, too. A lot of people think special needs=kids, which sometimes causes dehumanization.

Which bar/restaurant?????

Yeah, disabled people are ALREADY normal. This ain’t science-fiction, it’s real life. Life...ah...finds a way.

My life’s work, is people with disabilities. I love them. More than oxygen. I would never, ever, ever have an abortion due to a disability. I know how wonderful life can be when they’re in it.

I was taught in school that a large amount of that was on purpose, perpetrated by record labels and producers more than anyone else. White audiences loved the black sound, but would not purchase black music, so the black sound was remade in a safe, white package. It was a sales thing. Is that true?