
Truthfully, I don't even know.

People from your state travel through mine and try to use this law. They freak out on me when I say no.

Christ almighty, that sounds beyond amazing. Cook me some.

Off topic, love your name.

I do that, too. Once every two years, curly, chop it all off, donate it. Exactly like you.

I just chopped off two feet! Think Merida from Brave, to Felicity's short hair OVERNIGHT. And I couldn't be happier. Everyone who begged me not to cut it be DAMNED.

Hey, we're giving out personalized pens as favors. You can get them online in whatever color you want, and get whatever you want written on them. They're VERY cheap, too, and the more you order, the more you save on the whole bulk. And EVERYONE likes and uses pens. A lot of my wedding guests are servers or

That was MY gift when I was a bridesmaid. It's now a grocery bag.

My fiance and I have handled everything exactly 50/50! It's amazing. He gets to wear whatever tuxedo he wants, his hair and jewelry can be whatever he wants, even his wedding band is what he liked. And he's handling the beer, the sound system, the honeymoon arrangements, the photographer, and the flowers. Its

That blond lady's Justin Bieber is the greatest thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

Ugh, my wedding is in one week, I had to make all the decorations myself, and Hobby Lobby was my ONLY option for stuff! :( I feel awful about it. But my colors are navy and silver, and my theme is stars. I got soooooo much silver star stuff for cheap at the after Christmas clearance. I am not pleased, I wish

Taylor Swift is TOO DAMNED OLD to play her!

Yes, and also, Fiona's red hair is a very important plot point.

My very most favorite childhood book, and I still own my fourth-grade copy. My heart may hurt from this.

The very height of fashion.

Thank you for writing this. I was a virgin until my twentieth birthday, and up until that point, I was ridiculed, made to feel ashamed, and not taken seriously as an adult. Isn't it ridiculous that people are not considered true, intelligent adults with real contributions to society until they get laid? Anyway, do

Thank you! I threw some things when I first read it, too, and then I hugged a couple of my special friends extra tightly! Have you ever looked into volunteering with a day program, or Special Olympics? And if disabilities aren't your thing, do you have a domestic violence shelter in your town? I know that our

Thank you! My folks date one another all the time, and social interactions with their peers is an every day part of learning and development. There are dances held for them all the time, so the "dating" aspect of the social interactions is highly encouraged. The difference between that and this news story is the

Oh my, thank you!

I recently stepped down from a teacher/ caregiver position at a Down syndrome day program so that I could just be a volunteer at the facility. I am trying to finish school for speech therapy. My goal is to continue serving adults with intellectual disabities in a more concentrated capacity.