Shitlord von Cuckstain

Many news outlets also refused to use “torture” to describe US torture of prisoners. The US refused to call the Egyptian coup a “coup” because by law if it were a coup we couldn’t keep selling arms to them. Obama promised to call the Armenian Genocide a “Genocide” but has refused for the past 8 years to do so so as to

Nowhere in this article did you, the author, use the word “rape” to describe what happened to the child. You called it “sex”. Even ignoring that children cannot consent to sex, that she attempted suicide clearly indicates she was not engaging in something she wanted to do.

It correctly describes what the man was convicted of: sex trafficking.

25 years seems kind of light for this, right?

Any second now, my mother is going to use her jaws to carry me out of here by the scruff of my neck.

Even as a four year old, my ballet class was all very-serious-no-fun-allowed-YOUR-FEET-ARE-WRONG! No princess day for us, obviously. I once wore the wrong colour leotard and was forevermore shunned by all of the other little girls except the one with Down’s Syndrome. I was eventually taken out of ballet and put in

i don’t disagree with your sentiment, but here’s the thing: white coeds HAVE gotten shot, practically at a Lululemon, and people STILL refuse to do anything about gun violence. At this point, a new constitution seems to be the only way this country would actually change.

You mean the 2014 This Is How Comfortable White People Can Feel Better About Themselves While Turning A Blind Eye To Bloodshed Resulting From Institutional Racism Challenge?

are significant others not allowed to be shrieking banshees?

Apparently it was something a group of students out of Chicago did after a classmate was shot. They wanted to honor her, so they wore orange. You would not get any of this from any of the celeb Twitter pics, because the Twitter pics aren’t particularly helpful.

How is Gunz Formed?

No one deserves criticism for a selfie. You get that right? Especially if the selfie is meant to spread awareness to an admirable cause! Why are we not seeing criticism of EVERY celebrity. I’m sure Daniel Day Lewis has some money, why isn’t he publicly supporting the whales? Where is Jason Biggs and his check book?

We like to make sure people have lots of anecdotal stories to help discuss gun safety with gun owners who haven’t shot — or been shot by — their 3-year old children by accident. Yet.

We need to have a national conversation about raising awareness.

In a way you are right on.

Headline should read “Americans Need to Stop Giving a Fuck What Celebrities Say or Do.” The celebrity worship is a bigger problem than what any of these beautiful multi-zillionaire has to say. Hell, if we’re not careful, one of them could potentially win the Presidential nomination for a major political party. It

I don’t agree that seeing Kim Kardashian wear orange won’t spur people to action on this important issue. I, for one, an avowed advocate of gun control, immediately felt like buying a Glock.

i think they thought that they could get around not donating if they dumped the bucket on themselves. that’s how my girlfriend took it when she forced me to make the video and shrieked like a banshee in a skimpy bikini until i did even though i explained to her that her cries for attention on facebook were not what

I'm a gun owner myself and I'm very much in favor of a safety class requirement for gun ownership. Gun control doesn't have to mean gun bans. Have you met people? They are very stupid and I don't trust them to have common sense, I'd like to know that someone sat them down and explained it to them. Those idiots taking

I work in preclinical drug testing and we’ve actually seen quite an increase in potential treatments for ALS start coming through this year & last. All that funding is moving some stuff forward, for sure!