
And you take it too serious, i always solve my #1 problem before i get to #2. Why do i have to worry about evil aliens i might never see when we have enough evil people making this world worse day after day?

But there’s one thing i find possible: If aliens were ever to come to Earth and settle here, we would be long ago extinct, this world has enough problems to deal with instead of thinking about an starving race of aliens who may come and kill us all and take our place, here on Earth.

Our ways to produce power are simply not efficient for space travels, and i doubt that an advanced civilization of space travellers would use solar panels when it can use the hydrogen to produce 1 000 000 times more power from 1kg. of Hydrogen. Besides “You can bet if we ever make it to a planet that has resources our

Also meaning the fact that, there are more than 150 billion stars in the milky way and even 1% of those stars have planets capable to sustain life, which makes more than couple of million possible “Earth-like”planets. What makes you think that they will choose Earth as a destination where they would create a colony?

The fact is that, our solar system is more rich on minerals and resourses than Earth, there’s plenty of iron, aluminium, Gold, asteroids completely made of ice, which can be melted and purified and used as drinking water. Mind if i tell you that almost 90% of all substance in the universe is Hydrogen, Oxygen and

“Please tell us all where to go to get water, food, crude oil, wood, shellfish, oxygen, etc...” There’s plenty of ice and hydrogene, oxygen in the universe from which, both water and oxygen can be made via electrolysis. If exected those alien life forms are migrants will be reasonable to conclude that they took