
I come from the future - Donald Trump has been elected president in my time. Your complaints about Mitt Romney are now … quaint.

I come from the future - Donald Trump has been elected president in my time. Your complaints about Mitt Romney are now … quaint.

I too demand more Brent Spiner!

She's evil Linda from purchasing too!

They must have shot these in advance; getting the guests to come back (Wayne Coyne in full bloody Carrie costume) would be a huge hassle. Which means they planned this months in advance, which is awesome!

I'm always ready for more Rhys Darby - Rhys Darby forever!!

That was Clyde Brillis, not Clive. See, Clive Not Inside doesn't rhyme! Fired, etc. blunder…

Having only seen Twilight that's exactly my impression of her acting ability… What good movies has she been in?

Oh no! The spam bots have learned grammar and punctuation!

I laughed out loud at the lunar adventures bit - well done, Myles!

I went to see Lit. Remember Lit? Yeah, me neither…