
The world needs more Rick and Morty.

I also kind of got the impression it was Tyrell.

Holy shit what a finale. Season 2 cannot come fast enough.

Best comment? Yeahhhhh.

Somewhere Debra Messing is drinking heavily...

As someone who generally doesn’t enjoy extreme binge-watching, I like half hour shows because it seems more digestible with better break points. Most recently, I did that with The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt but Community and Archer were two of my faves. Both require just the right balance of investment—not so much that

I give you, cat on a waxed floor.

Wondered if I was crazy for thinking I’d been there though I’ve never set foot in MO. This explains it, thanks; been to that one. Those rolls are tasty.

Because of Lambert’s, my dad will still throw rolls at me at dinners. He’s 71, and I’m 49. :-/

As a 30 year old woman who can count on one hand the number of orgasms I’ve ever had, I really hope that you go back and reread this article and perhaps take into consideration a couple of other things.

Big Business, Organized Labor, and the Tea Party are all sitting around a table. A plate of delicious warm cookies arrives. Big Business takes 11 of the cookies then turns to Tea Party and points to the remaining cookie and says "psst! Organized Labor is trying to take your cookie!"

You know what, I’m going to copy&paste a really good post I saw on Tumblr. Not my words, but I wish they were because they are so right.

Mel Gibson and John Travolta join them on my list.

Did you not see Edge of Tomorrow? Tom Cruise is out of the doghouse.

OMG. I thought I was the only person who was afflictied with this issue concerning Tom Cruise. I just can’t with him, the whole time I’m all like “What is this? What’s going on? Why is he doing that? WHY IS HE HERE?”

Well, he’s officially in my “Tom Cruise; Sorry because you’re such a lunatic, I can’t watch your movies” category now.

Was he so dumb he didn’t know what “reek” or “desperation” meant?

Totally. We shouldn’t get pissed when people in high positions of power spew offensive and discriminatory statements. Its not like anyone might look up to them, or take it as acceptable behavior.

When I saw this, I thought I should share my story but didn’t because it’s so fucked up it’s almost unbelievable.