
people actually ripped into the reviewer because it's suuuper bad form to really shit on a production that is still in it's rehearsals, for obvi reasons. i was right there along with people giving linds shit until i learned it was a dress rehearsal. then i allowed her to ask for all the lines.

"filet means fish and fish should always be cooked all the way"

not caring how they're done and not knowing multiple ways TO COOK EGGS are completely different.

if it's the report that was reported on jez, it wasn't even opening night, it was an opening dress rehearsal, which is SUPER different than actual opening night. i totally was calling for lines and/or laughing* during our open dress during my sr year musical

You haven't had filet mignon until you've had it fresh off the boat. Also, if you need any monogrammed thermoses....

Early reviews were bad, according to the article I saw, but subsequent ones have been fairly decent.

Through high school, I was weird by choice. I mean it. I didn't kiss any boys or go to any parties. I studied hard and slayed at obscure extra-curricular that got me ridiculed at school but won me week-long vacations to national conventions every summer. It was at one of these conventions where I met one of my best

"America is a place where the luxuries are cheap and the necessities are expensive."

Clowns. My best story involves a lot of clowns.

I mean, I have other stories. Honorable mention goes to the time I had sex on the 5th floor of a hotel's glass-walled staircase in plain view of the street below because we couldn't afford to get a room in said hotel, and the time I swam out to the center of Walden Pond

When I was in my early 20's, there was a club that my friends and I went to SO often that we joked about it being cheaper to just pay them rent. We knew everyone. Everyone knew us. My cousin, a 6'8" hulk of a guy, was the bouncer. It was just one of those great (if slightly alcoholic) moments in time.

Don and Sloan are the best two characters on the show. I like that they're boning.

I think Sam Waterston's eyebrows deserve their own show.

That's because we Leos keep breaking away from the orthodoxy to start our own terror cells.

good to know about lush! Because Tom's is craps.

I'm with you, but with the corollary that a lot of those people who believe in astrology etc. will look down their noses at people who believe in religion (and not just Bible-thumping fundamentalists but people who believe in God for any reason whatsoever), and that's SUPER annoying. "He believes in fairy tales! What

Lush powder is SO great. It's the only thing I've found that works when I have hormone-induced skunkpits. It makes me itch like crazy after 2 or 3 days though.

Screw deodorant.

Aluminum in deodorant and parabens have scientific evidence that suggests these are not crazy things to want to avoid. Anti-vax is a whole new level. The science is sound.

I think the one reassuring thing about the LA kooks is that they're not organized enough to harass you or alienate you for not sharing their beliefs. Except maybe the Scientologists are getting organised.