Not gonna lie, I'm really excited to get her back as "the girl you don't want to run into at a party." I was sad that we lost that character when she became the anchor.
Not gonna lie, I'm really excited to get her back as "the girl you don't want to run into at a party." I was sad that we lost that character when she became the anchor.
hahahahaha yesssssss. And the wine tasting episode!? Forget about it!
Oh, I just loved that line. People who get so worked up that they just yell some unrelated nonsense make me laugh so hard.
Vagina is a helluva drug.
I love Crazy Craig.
Dalek cocktail party wear?
She really should be holding a plunger in one hand and a whisk in the other, and have a glowing blue light mounted on her forehead.
I think you also mean Dalek inspired.
It's amazing how low the bar is for the "man-hater" accusation against women. Sick of patriarchal oppression and men patting themselves on the back for FINALLY recognizing a small subset of women/girls as people and talking heads blaming women for the abuses committed against them and voters electing politicians who…
I see you haven't let the fact that you allegedly care about these issues stop you from being a patronizing jackass to women. Very few men care about these issues, period. But nice try trying to spin it into *my* character flaw.
Cheerwine. It is, without question, the nectar of the gods. Best served with a pulled-pork sandwich and hush puppies.
OMG OMG OMG the love of my life, Wee-Bey, is out of jail and ready to mingle!
Glasses guy and beard guy caught my attention, which made me recoil at my own goddamn hipster tastes in dudes.
He could, in fact, get it.
Clearly, you beat me to this comment.
Fight to the death?
Haha I love his bc I am watching Project Runway this season and I can imagine one of the contestants saying this exact thing.
I second that. First thought when he walked on: "why helloooo glasses".
Clearly the breakout star of this video
Fantastic. Like vines growing up her leg....