
Glasses guy and beard guy caught my attention, which made me recoil at my own goddamn hipster tastes in dudes.

He could, in fact, get it.

Clearly, you beat me to this comment.

Fight to the death?

Haha I love his bc I am watching Project Runway this season and I can imagine one of the contestants saying this exact thing.

I second that. First thought when he walked on: "why helloooo glasses".

Clearly the breakout star of this video

Fantastic. Like vines growing up her leg....

Ha...I commented on this too. This looks very hemorrhage-ey.

Tag jokes are my favorite jokes.

Everybody's heart belongs to Carol Burnett. Especially if you were a theatre kid.

No one can ever replace Carol Burnett and Tim Curry.

Still not feeling Cameron Diaz as Miss Hannigan. Guess my heart belongs to Carol Burnett.

..was told by pest control experts that she would have to burn anything that had come into contact with the spider eggs, as the arachnids are highly venomous.

Right? And people feel sorry for us? Love and commitment and security are great and everything, but we're the ones who get to pee with the door open!

But how great is almond butter, though?


For the Pop is bland and full of Errors.

Let me raise the stakes, here: I don't like creamsicles, either.

Crush level: Knope.

Throw a scrunchy in there and you've basically exhausted all of Cosmo's sex tips.