This is actually a story about a fellow server, a very young, vivacious, kind, and quirky girl whom everyone loved working with, with but nonetheless had a pronounced ditzy streak.
This is actually a story about a fellow server, a very young, vivacious, kind, and quirky girl whom everyone loved working with, with but nonetheless had a pronounced ditzy streak.
UGH the coat cape. Hate it, hate it, hate it. ACTUAL capes, though? I covet one. Saw a gorgeous navy blue cape with leather trim in Ralph Lauren a few years ago. Sadly it cost more than my car, but I live in hope of finding a reasonably-priced alternative.
Working at Gawker Media is a dream job for many of the women on staff here at Jezebel. This is a place that takes…
Please note from the outset of this story that my family LOVES squirrels. I even had one as a pet as a kid, but that's another story.
I get those looks too, because I always order no lettuce (same reasoning as you), no tomatoes (I don't eat raw tomatoes from restaurants/the supermarket, because they taste like pink watery nothing).
A friend of mine got told on the Fourth of July that her husband wanted a divorce. He blamed her for everything - she was too in to her career, she wasn't getting pregnant fast enough, and a bunch of other douche canoe things in a list that smelled, shall we say, fishy, from the beginning.
One night, I couldn't sleep, and was watching the Lord of the Rings (tends to put me to sleep) on his computer, when his Facebook binged, revealing he was still logged on. I looked (I know, am soooo curious!!!!) at the message, and it was work related.
Imagine being told that your feelings aren't valid, your pain isn't legitimate
Awww, is somebody upset because they might actually have to fairly compensate the people who keep their business running?
Casa Bonita is a real place? I 100% thought it was a made up South Park thing!
Team chest hair all the way <3
Government inspectors and regulations stifle their ability to sell old, dropped meat. Do you hate the American entrepreneur?
And thank god for tips. I can hardly get my manager to give out paychecks on time. (Let alone show up to actually sign them.) When I say something, I just get snark.
No kidding, why are they so high-cut!?!
For real, I love these, but they look like the most unflattering underwear imaginable.
This might be a difference in our respective definitions of "gentleman." To me, that means part of the American aristocracy, which I can't imagine a server being.
Um, no to the first part. Not at all. I guarantee you the vast majority of servers would much prefer Packhouse's model (or at least a variant for fine dining) to the current one.