
I use the Diva Cup. I've never had leakage, and even on my heaviest days I can go a full day at work without changing it. If you buy it from, you can get a "starter kit" for like $50 that includes the cup and two reusable pantyliners and they are adorable and SO SOFT and don't feel gross like disposable

Emily slept with Dylan McDermott. Or was it Dermot Mulroney?

Righteous Rojo Rings $12

I told Mathilde this isn't some cute kitty contest but she insisted I upload his photo of her to this thread.

The USA should make a stint in customer service mandatory. You should to do two years either between 16 and 18 if you're college bound or 18 and 20 if you're not.

In college I visited LA with my mom during what was our spring break. We did all the touristy things that you do on your first trip to LA. Including Universal studios. Ugh. We had only been there a couple of hours before my mom and I got into a fight about how she didn't want to go on any of the rides with me (she

This is my first time commenting on Jez, even though I've been a long time reader. I just couldn't resist telling this story. Years ago I was working at this dive bar in Los Angeles. It was a Sunday night and really dead. In walks a man and woman and they sit at the bar, as I turn and ask what they want to drink I

I don't know if it counts as the craziest but it's my most memorable. Within the space of 2 days, I ran into Mike Myers three times in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles. The first time, he was behind me at the concession stand at a theater. I got my popcorn and pop and turned to leave and almost mowed him

I don't usually tell stories about celebrities I've met but this one is so good I have to share.

My freshman year of university in Los Angeles I worked as a showroom model for a few boutiques in Beverly Hills. It was during movie awards season and one of the clients was Amy Madigan, who I saw frequently because she

This didn't happen to me but is part of my family lore. In the mid 80s, before I was born, my dad went to a medical conference in Manhattan. He would have been in his late 20s- short, skinny and Asian. Very early in the morning, he went for a run in the park in little running shorts and a sleeveless top. So he gets

"It encourages dudes to treat women like vending machines where if you put enough Nice Guy tokens in, eventually sex falls out."

Whenever I think/hear about this movie, I *always* hear these lines first:

Cats come in both liquid and solid form.

This is bloody brilliant. I love her just blatantly staring at the guy having a cigarette — I've been you dude, it's fucking weird!

"He's whiny, always has a face of despair, and according to the Sanrio release on the little guy, is 'unmotivated.'"

From where I'm sitting that's a Wiccan pentagram, not a Satanic one. Or, you know, just a star. And maybe the other one says 999. Bad attempt to advertise your pay-per-minute sex chat line?

Men aren't very good at hearing a "hard no" in person either though. It's partly socialization to think if they persist and find the right phrase or action then they'll win the prize, and partly thinking that women are "just playing hard to get". When I try to think how many guys have left me alone after just one

20. You are, scientifically speaking, the least diverse band of all time. What do you have to say for yourselves?

I wouldn't go as far as the truck guy, but people who use the left lane to idle along PISS ME OFF. The left lane is for passing. If you're going the speed of traffic, get the F over.