
20. You are, scientifically speaking, the least diverse band of all time. What do you have to say for yourselves?

I wouldn't go as far as the truck guy, but people who use the left lane to idle along PISS ME OFF. The left lane is for passing. If you're going the speed of traffic, get the F over.

Carol from the Walking Dead. Started out as one of the most annoying characters on a show full of annoying characters. Over the seasons, surviving the zombie apocalypse has changed her in ways that were organic, believable, and fascinating. Now she's one of the most badass characters in a show full of badass

Caroline Forbes. From shallow, cheerleading, perpetual victim

In England everything means vagina

I love Lip!

They say love strikes when you least expect it, and this is the last show I expected to fall in love with!

I ran what he said about Rob Lowe in a quick Baldwin > Sane People translator and I'm fairly sure it was really:

64% of those who picked Steve McQueen thought they meant this one

Those wigs are hideous. And so is everything else. I hate when fashion houses splatter their name over everything. We get it. You dropped mad money for this crap.

What women want out of their underwear: Lawmakers?

I've never understood how privileged people (white men seem particularly prone to this) can't accept that THEY DON'T GET TO CHOOSE WHAT'S OFFENSIVE TO THE OFFENDED PARTY!! Just because you didn't mean to be offensive doesn't mean you weren't offensive.

Girls view the world completely differently than grown-ups do. They don't come at it with the same angles and baggage and all that stuff that we do.

I love NPR but I all-caps HATE a Prairie Home Companion. It is the worst.

Well fuck you for being 5' 11" and stealing what should've been my three inches.

And would anyone have guessed from the pilot that 100 episodes later Caroline Forbes would be the best character?