Natasha is in the black, I'm in the grey. Am I feeling a little jealous? I am.
Natasha is in the black, I'm in the grey. Am I feeling a little jealous? I am.
Heh, I still think of Amy Adams as Tara's annoying cousin on Buffy.
They need one that says "My Clit is Here" with five arrows and maybe a target. Then I could see the appeal.
*cue white people saying "EXCEPT that James Bond comes from a novel featuring a white man from the UK. The author who created him created a drawing of the character, who is clearly white.
I wish Facebook would just DIE altogether. For teens and old twenty-somethings like myself. I miss genuine friendships so much. I miss getting invited to a party in person or through a phone call, not through an Event Page where 200 people are invited so I don't even know if I'm really wanted there for my good company…
So, what is OLD then? 25?
Can we stop calling anyone that isn't a fucking teenager old now?
While we are at it, can we stop looking towards a teenager for what's cool and trending?
I think men are fundamentally wired to make strange gender essentialist arguments. If any men comment on this post to tell me otherwise, I will assume they are outliers or just plain liars.
I've actually been disappointed by sex partners who DON'T do this.
I suggest you click on the first couple, and see if you can spot a trend.
I loved that stupid Pleasant Company catalog. Those dolls were not a financial priority in my family but I loved going through the catalog and picking what I *would* want.
Having had my identity stolen completely once, and my debit information stolen more times than I can count, here's some advice for those who may be affected:
Secret service handles financial crimes and counterfeiting. They are the law enforcement arm of the Treasury Department. Executive detail is a sideline.
I'm like a million times confused at all the multiple levels of oxymoron in "feminist Christian anarchists".
I was so bummed when his arc on SOA ended. I wanted him patched in. He seems like a good dude.
I lived in Tucson in the 90s, with lots of graphic designers and artists as friends, and it was well-known that the last company in town you would want to work for was Lisa Frank. They had a perm-ad in the local paper the whole time I lived there. Also, anyone who would name their kids Hunter and Forrest Green are…