
Can anybody (because I'm hair-stupid) take a stab at how to achieve such a hairstyle? I like it because it's classy AND messy, and I tend to be a every-hair-in-place kind of gal. I'm trying to stray away from that without looking like I just rolled out of bed.

That's not how you spell "chode."


It's Dov-approved!

If she were some kind of Victoria's Secret model lookalike, they would pin "slutty" or "brainless" on her. The GOP: where women can never win, because they're terrified of female sexuality above all else.

Assume no one gives a shit about your wedding.

As a young comparatively sheltered pup The Wire helped me understand, on a visceral level how we live in a world where for certain people even the institutions that are supposed to work for them work against them.

So, is the monster made from multiple dead Thomas Janes or was it just a coincidence that the various pieces of his face came together to look like Thomas Jane?

Yes! We do. It's called Rape Culture, and it's at least as popular as Sriracha.

It's attained sentience, like a big camp Skynet.

WHY?! Who would dream this up?

This. I keep seeing this on everyone on the internetz. Left is Bambi, obvs, but what is the image on the right??? And what is Givenchy going for here, exactly? Broken printer?

I'll take flack for this, I'm sure, but I stand by my decision. I never could stand her.

*Those blouses* Because he apparently doubled-down and bought that shit in two different colors.

First rule of having privilege. Do not complain about having privilege.

Can this be followed with a gif of the guy awkwardly sidestepping out of the shot during the commercial break?

Lucille is not going to be happy that Maggie Lizer took Buster to this years Motherboy contest. Not at all.

Luxembourg's royal family looks an awful lot like it belongs on the set of a television series.

Anyone else remember the transforming McDonald's burger toys that came with the happy meals? I used to have a few of those.