
I've actually been disappointed by sex partners who DON'T do this.

I suggest you click on the first couple, and see if you can spot a trend.

I'd also like to suggest Parks and Recreation, available on Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Just now started watching Season 2 of this crazy as hell show that just didn't get a fair chance. (No, I don't think it's purely coincidence I started watching it after I watched the latest "Hobbit" movie...)

Sons of Anarchy. It's Shakespeare with motorcycles and it's fantastic. Not too mention it has Katey Sagal and whoever chooses the music for the show is a genius. A friend recommended it and I figured it couldn't hurt to check out the first epsiode...nine hours later I came up for air.

If you want a bit of light hearted christmas nonsense you can't go wrong with Chuck. Well the 1st 3 seasons anyway.

Vinnie Van Lowe. He's got private eyes and they're watching you, seeing your every move...

I loved that stupid Pleasant Company catalog. Those dolls were not a financial priority in my family but I loved going through the catalog and picking what I *would* want.

Having had my identity stolen completely once, and my debit information stolen more times than I can count, here's some advice for those who may be affected:

Secret service handles financial crimes and counterfeiting. They are the law enforcement arm of the Treasury Department. Executive detail is a sideline.

I'm like a million times confused at all the multiple levels of oxymoron in "feminist Christian anarchists".

What Wu was doing while we did not see him:

I was so bummed when his arc on SOA ended. I wanted him patched in. He seems like a good dude.

Alpha from Dollhouse. Truly, an ascended being.

Calvin made the best snowmen.

I lived in Tucson in the 90s, with lots of graphic designers and artists as friends, and it was well-known that the last company in town you would want to work for was Lisa Frank. They had a perm-ad in the local paper the whole time I lived there. Also, anyone who would name their kids Hunter and Forrest Green are

There were so many other great points about that episode and feminist issues that could have been talked about instead of the Kimye aspect. Spoilers! Here's the episode.

Yzma is the best Disney villain - nay, CHARACTER - of all time. There, I said it.