
Well now I'm intrigued, especially by the free part. What's to lose?

Why not both? Honestly, I need something to read and I could use a little titillation.

Well, we've all done that before. Right? If I can see what they meant, what's the harm? It never came back to bite me in the ass, thank god.

You may not even read this, but having suffered through depression myself, I offer this one concept that helped me: All those thoughts you have about not being pretty enough or worthwhile, that's all they are, thoughts. They are not facts. They are simply momentary opinions about yourself that cannot be proven true.

Also, it's free on Amazon kindle so there's no reason not to give it a chance!

How did you know that's what I was looking for? I thought I hid it with "literature" but you saw right through my ruse.

I love Good Job Brain! It's a trivia podcast so if you're into trivia and answering questions, this one is for you. Also the NPR Ted Radio Hour is great.

I wish I had an easy or cheap answer for you, but going to a dermatologist is the only thing that has helped my adult acne. I'm on spironolactone, an oral antibiotic, and Tazorac (a strong prescription retinoid) and my skin is finally clearing up. The good news is that the pills are both generic so they're only $15 a

Can anyone recommend books similar to 50 Shades of Grey?

Glad we could work this out. :)


I use some BareMinerals makeup, but the only thing that has cleared up my skin is going to a dermatologist and getting some prescription-level help. He told me my skin just has a tendency to get clogged pores, it's in my DNA. But after antibiotics, spironolactone, and a super-strength retinoid, my skin is finally

Really easily, as it turns out. ;)

I have at least 5 friends selling Arbonne now! It is so annoying. I got suckered into going to a party and ended up buying some of their products that did nothing to help my skin conditions. Then I did research and when I couldn't find ingredient lists for them, I decided nope, never again.

I mean, all cats are cute. I prefer cats with a more pronounced profile. But too each his own.

Gotta agree with you there. I love cats and have two rescues, but those flat-faced cats are just not my jam.

Man, I forgot about that gem! I've wasted so many hours on that tumblr. I always assume all the pics come from the Midwest.

What about missionary? I had sex in boring ol' missionary last week and I was sore for at four days. Seriously, it was fun during but so painful for the next few days. How come no one ever warns you about the dangers of missionary?

Interesting. I remember a septic tank overflow at my house growing up so I just assumed everyone had one. Thanks for enlightening me!

God, you're killing it with the tags lately! This is the second time this week that I've almost spit coffee all over my computer.