
Thank you for sharing the urine is NOT sterile.

Have you guys been to Trader Joe's recently?! I swear, at least 30% of the products are pumpkin flavored. It's obscene.

Ok, I just needed to know that there was some rationale behind putting the scissors in the microwave. Misguided rationale, but still a clear thought process.

So you were trying to disinfect them?

Wait, I need to know more, specifically why? Why would you ever put scissors in the microwave?!

I would read this! But Adultosaur, promise me that you won't insist that every couple's first dance should be a Taylor Swift song.

I got dumped via email on Valentine's Day once.

This was my face while reading your comment:

My main take away from this recap is that there are TWO Gummers. I see Gummer in the credits my mind goes straight to "Meryl's daughter." After looking them up on IMDb, Grace has a recurring role on the Newsroom and Mamie has one on The Good Wife.

As a mixed Asian-White girl in a sea of white girls in my Alabama school, Claudia was one of the few role models I had. I wanted to be her!

I wanna come too! I MUST try this crab pretzel or die trying!

That crab pretzel doesn't look very appetizing, but I love all of those ingredients, and my life will not be complete until I eat one. BRB, just gonna see how much a flight to Maryland is.

Poor Todd. What was with that guy?!

Ok that sounds delicious!

I'm totally gonna try this! I've never needed only one garlic clove. In fact, I usually add more than a recipe calls for because garlic is the best!

I love how much traction this is getting! They're such a perfect gift that you never know when someone might try to attack you just for selling them.

Ok I can see the appeal if it really is easier to peel. I'll probably have to experience the difference in real life to be converted though.

Ok serious question: I've always done the smash-with-the-knife thing to peel. And it works perfectly fine. In the video, the guy asks but what if you want to keep the garlic whole. Why would I need to keep the garlic whole? Doesn't it always end up chopped or smashed anyway?

I can second this. My toaster over just stopped working last night. What am I gonna do now?! Make toast in the oven?! That's madness I say!