Way to edit out the crux of my argument. You declare your tips, and the taxes are withheld from your actual paycheck for your hourly earnings. So you still pay taxes on your tips, just not immediately.
Way to edit out the crux of my argument. You declare your tips, and the taxes are withheld from your actual paycheck for your hourly earnings. So you still pay taxes on your tips, just not immediately.
Really well argued about something I've been saying for years! I think I love you even more now.
I think you're being a little naive here. No upper crusty types ("gentlemen") are going to look at any server (no matter the caliber of his/her service or the quality/prestige of the restaurant) as a social equal.
Totally wrong dude. A former server and bartender here, and you have to declare your tips to the IRS. Most places I work have it as part of a server's check-out/clock-out process. You have to declare at least 10% of your sales, even if you didn't make that much. Sometimes you make a bit more, which means a portion…
My best friend has a cat named Professor Plum!!!! You guys could start a Clue-themed playdate!
Well, I'm hoping that you get some good news, and if needed, an easy and painless surgery!
I'd get a second opinion from another dentist. A few years ago I was seeing this dentist and she kept saying I had gum recession and would need really expensive gum grafts. I didn't have the funds for that and I was so worried about her telling me about the problem that I avoided the dentist for a year. (Obviously, I…
YAAAAAAASSSS! Blue Spider Crab tag!
I agree with your entire list.
I have one of those clueless persistent texters. I went to high school with this dude, then he randomly started sexting me, and I hadn't even thought about this guy in years, let alone indicated any interest in him. Then I got an unsolicited dick pic (is there any other kind?) and went radio silent. He still tries…
I hate lemons in my water! If it's on the side of the glass, I can deal. But if there are lemons IN my water, we have a problem. I used to send it back because I really don't like the taste of lemon water, but I deal with it now that I'm a bit more of an adult.
That used to be my favorite recipe! Until I found this one, based on chocolate master Jacques Torres: http://tendercrumb.blogspot.com/2008/09/my-fav…
Classic liberal response.
Because companies have switched to using internships and contract employees to avoid paying people for the work they do, there's almost no way for young people to actually have a career and make a decent living. It's gutted the middle class and fucked my generation royally.
I applaud your bravery!
So do you just not want to be trendy? Or do you want to be thanked for your hard work? Why are you so antagonistic about this?
I'm trying to picture how this was achieved. Aren't the tampon boxes at least 4 feet off the ground?
That's so shady. Occasionally, I would charge a card the wrong amount, but then you just get a manager to delete that charge and then run the card for the correct amount. Then I would profusely apologize and say that they may see the incorrect amount in their online account, but the card would only be charged once…
I have two female cats, that we got about a year about. I have had them for five years now and they still don't really get along. The first cat I had is a bug bully and terrorizes the other one. But they do both sleep on the bed and on the couch, I just have to be in the middle.
Embarrassing confession: I had a huge crush on Kevin Spacey when I was in middle school. I feel in love with his voice in "A Bug's Life" and then sought out all his other films. My parents thought it was weird that I kept renting (I know, I know) these dark, usually rated-R adult movies. But they let me, and I'll…