
In my personal experience, adults who are extremely into Disney and regularly travel there without children are, without fail, fucking weirdos (present company excluded, of course).

I say this as a game developer. The people who are trying to pretend mobile gaming isn’t a thing are drastically in denial. Ignoring the platform is ignoring money, a lot of it. Because mobile phones are a muuuuch bigger platform than all of the gaming consoles out there combined.

And considering both Android and iOS

Serious question: is it not fair for me as a trans woman to dislike being compared to someone who wants to turn themselves into a dolphin? Like, the show is glaringly anti-trans, they still openly shit on trans people.

Hey have you thought about relaxing and not being weird about video games online?

I burned out really hard on Hollow Knight. The game is incredibly atmospheric, the art style is fantastic and I’m normally a big sucker for boss-heavy Metroidvanias, so why did I get immensely frustrated enough to walk away? It took me a while to figure out, but it comes down to a big design misstep: impact damage

Neither one of those makes more sense than the robot having a knife as equipment.

My hot take: Avatar’s “cultural impact” is people talking about how it has no cultural impact.

This might be the first column on AV Club in a decade that didn’t simply snark on Avatar as a forgotten blockbuster. And it’s a spot on assessment of the film, what it gets right and its flaws.

I’ve never understood the hatred for Avatar.

I’ve only ever seen this once (at the cinema) and I fucking loved it. Fully aware of it being a big-budget remake effectively of Dances With Wolves, I didn’t really care and still don’t largely. It was a spectacle and an incredible one at that.

Fun Fact: This movie sucks.

“Boggles my mind how people can get so invested or take this seriously enough in this to be this upset.”

chris pratt is too much of a doofus and he’s not good as a lead. he’s also not a very good actor when he’s actually asked to act, not quip.

That's super dumb. 

As an American, few things bring a tear to my eye faster than seeing a royal die of natural causes.  Oh well, better luck next time.

it’s just every shonen ever. I lost interest the moment they entered a tournament where fights last episodes.

My “Ero-Kawaii” shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.

What do the game developers have to do with the Chinese government? The devs are just trying to make a living and pay the bills just like everyone else.

The “oh yeah, but look over there” argument is the consistent one that the coinbros trot out, leading me to believe that it is what they consider to be their best argument.

Sure, but it’s more likely to impact a baseball fan.