
it’s super weird to me that all the characters basically stop caring about who the head exploder actually is after the hearing. i guess they all assumed it was stormfront? so the reveal just ends up being for the audience’s own sake. “remember those exploding heads? that was really *drumroll* the butler!”

nobody’s gonna read this, but i felt like the ending was a bit cowardly, and i wanna articulate why before this entire series falls into my personal memory hole.

how many years ago did that stop being a funny reference?

kill yourself and everybody around you

lmao this was written by someone who has never visited japan.

it’s tied to japanese history in particular, which you’d think you’d know by now since you have only ever cum inside a fleshlight while watching vr hentai. “asian,” which is the word i used, does not mean “only japan”

oops! you made a watsonian, in-universe argument and not a doylian, out of universe one! you made a fool of yourself and look like a total dipshit! try again!


very true. the reason the genre is so saturated/obsessed with the trappings of Asian culture is because people in the 80s were convinced that Japan was going to economically dominate America and we’d all be speaking Japanese. So when you put huge neon kana on the side of a building, or have a giant glowing billboard

yeah and the first fucking thing about cyberpunk is that even sacrificing your entire body, you’re still human. the fact that this game is prevaricating on the fundamental foundation of the genre is pretty facile shit

so why isn’t everyone doing that? why are Asians the only people doing the cool katana thing?

kill yourself

i like the ads i get for this one on hulu, where somebody says, with seemingly no irony, “i don’t think there’s a single building that shaped culture more than the Comedy Store.”

if somebody told you they’d never seen a marvel movie today, in this the year of our lord 2020, would you immediately jump up and say “you should really check out the marvel movies, they’re hot shit”? Or would you assume that somebody who has for over a decade avoided watching the most ubiquitous film franchise in

as one may as well be hanged for the sheep as the lamb, andre could escalate into manslaughter and i wouldn’t feel too bad

again, it’s been out for 10 years and is the best-selling game of all time. if somebody hasn’t played it at this point, it simply might not be their thing.

there’s dozens of great games coming out every year, maybe if somebody hasn’t played minecraft in the last decade, they just don’t want to play it?

then they should get rid of iceys and the belmonts because those games are too niche and old.

“overwatch sucks”

as somebody who’s not a fan of minecraft in smash (luv 2 give more money to dogwhistling cryptofash!!) it is some consolation to see that sakurai is no happier about his inclusion than i