
god, that guy’s such a chode. i hate that i know exactly who that is despite all the shit he’s done. can’t believe he’s still being given oxygen at this point

$10 it’s Shantae

while in custody for committing sex crimes that implicated a lot of other powerful people. there’s a lot more reason to be suspicious of his suicide than that of chiang, who you seem to suspect because......uh, because he’s chinese, that’s literally your only reason

why is he charging money for this when you can get the exact same experience by knocking down the funko pop shelf at your local hot topic for free?

yes, by defending this commenter i have been infected by thoughtpox and must now be declared a nonperson, this is a cool and fun internet comment section

kinja has fucking ruined this site if a clearly ironic comment expressing support for a deranged man is derided as “edgelord.” fuck’s sake man, grow a funnybone

you must be the kid at school who encourages people to make fun of the handicapped

china man dead of possible suicide, therefore china man murdered by chinese state

nobody with a successful career has ever been known to be suicidally depressive, there are certainly no widely beloved celebrities who killed themselves that would disprove that theory

Every couple of months I’ll revisit that one video of his where he compares movie or game scores to older, uncannily similar music. Fun to hear Rick Astley in the Chrono Trigger soundtrack or whatever

yeah, in a bunch of dogshit fanfics that have been blessedly decanonized and also in a cartoon for babies

i like imagining a world where TLJ was the only star wars movie released since ROTJ. just a standalone sequel to a trio of well-liked but half-forgotten family movies from more than 30 years ago. seems like a nice place to live

fine, i think we should kill the cops who killed breonna taylor

libel laws

Bay’s movies are dumbshit, but Bay absolutely knows what he’s doing on all of his shoots. Everything I’ve heard makes him sound like a real hardass on set.

cool, love to publish an article that reads “streamer dead” with no further context, really meaningful stuff

hamilton is good actually

shut the fuck up you goddamn imbecile

yeah it would have been a lot better to just run a story that was just “twitter said streamer boy offed himself??” without any attempt to get clarity from sources close to the subject. journalists do this literally every day. i’ve had to do it on a couple of occasions, and it usually results in responses like