
probably also that the younger cast feel more integrally tied to harry potter and jk rowling than the older cast. everyone thinks of daniel radcliffe as harry potter, for obvious reasons, but emma thompson or michael gambon have had lengthy careers not portraying rowling’s characters, so they might not necessarily see

shut the fuck up, nerd

try reading the article before commenting next time you illiterate dipshit

“A Spider-Man sequel should reckon with the fact that police would treat Miles Morales differently from Peter Parker.”

This is interesting, in that, while I think I would also find this game somewhat distasteful, there are so few AAA games that actively seek to alienate and beat down the player these days that I think this game might be valuable in that regard alone. Even if I think the game is disgusting and overwhelming, there are

hey, if the cat died and has been sci-fied into a form that allows it to continue to be a cat friend, who are we to complain

idk dude if i’m gonna go with my kid to see a movie i’m gonna be more inclined to see one that’s fun for both of us

my hot take is that the 2018 spider-man game was not very good and i don’t believe its sequel will be very good either

ikr, i was way more intrigued by Car: The Game, and The Same Superhero Game From Before

if you want to watch a video of everything in the reveal, i hear sony just put out a pretty good compilation

I can hold off on getting a PS5 only until Hitman 3. Hopefully i can expand my entertainment center before then

spoiler: the wizards all poop in the bathrooms that correspond to their assigned gender at birth, like god intended

wow yeah she must be deranged. guess that means she’s free to rape then

lmao at calling hillary voters “left-wingers” how politically illiterate can one be

if she blogged about how awesome hitler was, that still doesn’t mean biden should get away with raping her

wow it sounds super nuanced and mature, 12-year-old kids would never think a space man with a chainsaw fighting aliens is cool

he’s not wrong, though

all american tv is just king of queens and this is us, you’re right, we’re all just slovenly mouthbreathers shoveling dogshit content into our mouths