
They scream 'limited government' at every turn, yet they fail to see how limited their perspective are on all things.

Bit too many, isn't it? When are natives, Mexicans and other minorities getting a chance?

Haha. I would pass you my blunt but you are way too far off. Coo coo. Metal still sucks though.

When trolls takes trolling to seriously. Mellow out man. No one care about your balls. No one.

I don't know man. You tell me.

Nazism is fake or forced machoism. Metal and nazism are bound in blood of old Valhalla.

Bannon is a funny funny character. Comparing his old interviews to recent ones since he joined breitbart. He seems to have gone right through Belgium.

Well Russians are paradox. Freedom loving totalitarians.

Yes I agree. In west who complain the loudest gets the most focus.Example is current rise of alt right. Asians are I guess small and silent minority. Still Hollywood has strange obsession with emasculating asian men while promoting cheap sexualization of asian women. Agree?

Diversity is important for Hollywood unless they are asians. F@#k asians. No? Stop equating this situation with other minorities.

At least trailer didn't help. This time.

Yes. Half black, half white but full asian.

I agree. They were blacks.

Damn! Youtube is a place where all the racist plp dwell.

Meh! Battle Royale was better.

Ya talented and talented ass. People do dismiss his talent though.

Buy a console and get back into gaming.

What do have against saving the world?

Never really understood plp's obsession with her. She was great in kickass but plp are really obsessed with her. Even plp in my age bar which is mid 20's.

So you taught her to judge things before seeing it. Most of the problems in world come because of these things. haha