> despite the “inappropriate language”used against Sukumaran, they can’t discipline anybody because they can’t confirm who said it.
> despite the “inappropriate language”used against Sukumaran, they can’t discipline anybody because they can’t confirm who said it.
Why are we acquiescing to these assholes by calling them “white nationalists”? They are white supremacists, full stop. They wrap their message up in slightly softer language than the klan but in the end, they are supremacists. If they truly believed their drivel about making a safe space for the lily white babies,…
That was the weirdest thing! Someone said it on the podcast, I wanna say it was the Stanford medical school prof who was like, people study biology and engineering and chemistry for decades before having a true scientific breakthrough but this person studies a year and change in undergrad but is suddenly a…
A couple of feminist friends took me to task for saying Holmes faked her voice. They said higher octaves don’t help women in the workplace, which I don’t argue with, and she only “lowered her voice an octave,” which in their minds wasn’t fake. I say she lowered it way TOO much, and that’s what makes it fake.
“I am the Curt Angle now”
That kid looks like he’s about 10 years old. They should probably have him cut more weight so he can compete in a lower weight class and #DOMINATE. A partial college scholarship is worth more than a healthy endocrine system -- unless you’re just weak.
That’s an acute observation.
“Sometimes I get it right, other times I can be pretty obtuse.”
Skipped the article, scrolled down to the comments, and saw “smooth” in the first one. All is okay. Back to scrolling.
The number of people who didn’t get this pun could fill the entire ocean under the moon.
He just wanted those kids to stop their Evil Ways...
How do you smash a TV with a bat and not face charges or something immediately afterwards? This guy must be Smooth as hell
Everyone knows the clubhouse of for eating chicken wings and drinking beer during the game, NOT playing video games.
The technical length of the games isn’t the issue. The issue is the amount of action. Sure, there’s a lot of downtime in football, but the amount of downtime in baseball is ludicrously longer.
Watching a football team is 3 hours once a week. Baseball is three hours 5-6 times a week.
Baseball’s biggest problem right now--and I’m being serious--is that the people who run it do not appear to actually enjoy the game.
Average NFL game length: 3 hours, 12 minutes
“Wish I’d have thought of that.” - Mark Sanchez
I played in a high school game high once. My stat line was about similar, but I just laughed it off.