
Sure the rest of the world liked obama, but tjhat was because he kept apologizing to them, bowing to foreign leaders, and otherwise destroyed America’s image around the world.

Don’t think of golf as a game. Think of it as a walking meeting with no oversight where you can discuss obstruction of justice and paying off prostitutes with no official record kept or lawyers to tell you why that’s a bad idea. 

What is with the golf thing anyway? I don’t get why so many Presidents play the damn game. Surely there are other things that are more fun? Watching paint dry, springs to mind.

It’s baffling to me that Kliff Kingsbury could possibly be such an important factor that you’d enroll early USC just to be with him and then transfer away just because he’s not there. Whatever. The rule sucks and I’m sure I’ll forget about this kid in 15 minutes.

I dunno, man. The NCAA transfer rules are archaic and dumb and anti-student, but it’s not like Kif Klingsbury is that big a deal. McCoy’s a five-star, top-ten recruit at US fuckin’ C. What, the Trojans are gonna be a running team and bury him on the bench now that Kingsbury’s not around to protect him? C’mon. So if

The porn is funny, but honestly it’s funnier that someone in management thought that what their employees needed was the unfiltered social media opinions of sports fans.

Even if you finance it off the stadium taxes, those are taxes that were factored into the decision to pay for the stadium the first time around. You’re undermining the reason you built it in order to justify renovating it, while the team that plays there cashes endless checks and gives you nothing.

The nuance that is missed in these articles is that the relative shittiness of the deal does depend on the financing mechanism for the municipal bonds. If the bonds are secured ONLY against tax revenues from the stadium itself then the city is basically just taking advantage of its higher credit and tax exemptions to

These boys are using a slogan that helps normalize white supremacy and they clearly come from a place where this is the prevailing attitude towards race relations. That’s all there is too it.

You are right. It’s more of a sexism/racism swirl.

Yup. As soon as these shits started getting painted as victimized angels, I started shouting that they were assholes in MAGA hats bused in from a boys school to protest women’s reproductive rights. Even if the black men and the native protesters started shouting at them, they deserved it.

Fuck that smirking little maggot-ass whiteboy.

If that picture isn’t a perfect distillation of 400 plus years of white colonialism, I don’t know what is.

Every time I visit them they taunt me and gang up on me in whatever board or card games we play. It is constant. I introduced my ladyfriend to them and the niece straight up says to her “I’m going to beat you in [board game].” They will not relent and I’ll be damned if I’m going to roll over. 

You’re playing with fire dude, I’m in the same situation at home but I also realize it’ll be 1-2 years max before they are mercilessly whooping my ass and talking trash.

For Christmas my sister and her husband got their kids a Switch. Knowing this I bought Mario Kart for them figuring that’s something they know from having played it on the Wii. My brother-in-law made the mistake of buying Smash Bros for them. I was big in to Smash but skipped the WiiU entirely because I couldn’t

That’s abuse. What kind of monster makes his kid play with the Jaguars?

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

Boynton has been through this song and dance before. Oklahoma State is just over one year removed from dismissing junior guard Davon Dillard and freshman guard Zack Dawson for repeatedly violating team rule violations

I think it’s smart. If you want to grow the game, it’s probably a good idea to send over two teams that fans can watch and think “Well, I could do that.”