
Or someone got that money fraudulently and duped the government. The truth is I do believe in Healthcare being free, but then they chip away at it and you start paying for stuff like tit jobs, Bruce Jenner and picking up the tag for people who illegally invade your nation. It’s like welfare, good intentions, but I

you mad bro

Funny how they want workers to pay for all the free stuff while they throw the doors open and let us be invaded. I actually believe ALL AMERICANS deserve healthcare, the problem is THEY want to give it to ILLEGAL INVADERS. Nope, not happening.

I wish everyone would just drop Facebook overnight. That would be epic.

I work for a living so I have health insurance.

So what part of islam is your favorite? Is it the marrying 9 year old thing? The being allowed to rape any non believers? The being allowed to rape your wife? the needing 3 women’s testimony to equal the testimony of one man in court? The killing / victimizing non believers in general? Is it throwing gays off of

I have, and what I see now disgusts me. Daily riots, trash in the street, islam spreading its sick intolerant ideology while protected by the globalist controlled government that wants it to happen. By the time you accept the truth it will be too late.

it’s well on its way, BTW this isnt liberalism its neolibs, they are every bit as evil as neocons.

newsflash islam is NOT a race.

Actually at 12% of the population blacks account for more than 54% of the crime. I know facts are scary but stop lying and telling half truths. Colin Flaherity would educate you on youtube but a snowflake like you couldnt handle the truth.

It’s ok they’ll dim the lights on the eiffel tower light a few candles, put some teddy bears near the scene of the carnage say great stuff like “we are not afraid” or “we are all France” and patiently await for the next attack by the people whose ideology teaches them to kill anyone who doesn’t worship their pedophile

You guys are so disgusting, when did people get so sensitive and communist? Book burning coming soon, nah youll just ban them. Who is the grand arbiter of “hate speech” will rappers be banned for hate speech or just white people? Will redneck be a racial slur? Hilbilly? where is the line? You people make me sick,

Good for him calling a pussy a pussy. In Hillary’s America that will be a felony!

I was far more aggravated at another mary sue. And the way she as a bitter angry female power fantasy grabs a random stranger on the street because he is telling his girlfriend he needs space and she is too clingy. The 110 lb FEMALE grabs the 200lb man throws him 15 ft for breaking up with a woman.

Plus they ran their comments section like PC fags. So FK them.

He should just say it wasnt his intent. It worked for Hillary!

logic has no place here

Hillary never ran or hid. She knew she was above the law.

A stop letter isn’t for downloading its for uploading, which you do while you are downloading.

Or you know you could stop importing the hate group known as islam into america. But lets worry about Hollywood profits over american lives.