
I also thought it was a bit clever how the bartender—who seemed to know and like Mike well enough—could corroborate Mike's little fiction, and not even realize it's bullshit: 'Nah, officer, it couldn't've been Mike. He was there all night, till I finally closed shop, and by then the man could barely stand.'

I've learned to fear that jarring "PSSHHHH" noise and the screen going fuzzy.

Uh, then you definitely don't want to know what the spider hawk does with its larvae and the paralyzed body of the tarantula. (Hint: It involves 'eating something that can't move while trying to also keep said thing alive as long as possible.')

(For what it's worth, I was also confused.)

Yeah, "Po-Po" would have been a great title, and vaguely humorous in the way, say, "Mijo" (he's such a good boy!) and "Nacho" are.

I absolutely disagree. Maybe it comes from watching the sweet, polite, soft-spoken Gilligan in interviews, but I've never had the impression that he looks down on his characters. He pokes fun at their foibles, sure, or the mundanity that is modern existence, but I've never gotten the impression that Gilligan somehow

"You said it, man."

Just let it out, man. It's okay. Let it all go.

Heh. I don't think so, though. I think he had some kind of nervous breakdown, likely to do with all sorts of pressure placed on him by his career and other, personal things. That's usually the way this sort of thing goes. His condition is exacerbated by Jimmy in that Chuck is worried about his little brother; the more

Well, Jimmy is sill trying to be a Good Person™, and suing the police might—

Plus, the scene with the toilet starts with Jimmy being all, 'What? Oh, yeah, sure, I do patent stuff. I know all the patent things!' I'm paraphrasing, obviously, but the idea is that Jimmy made it seem like patent law was his forte, because this is the sort of thing Jimmy does all the time.

Well, your roll is moving too quickly. It's not that hard to understand! (I… have never heard that expression, either. I'd guess it broadly means to calm down and check yourself, but now I am curious as to where it comes from.)

Seems to me that the prices Jimmy quotes are dependent on what he gleans about his potential client's financial circumstances. He charged that sweet old lady $140 for his services, after all.

I didn't see the original, either. This is gonna drive me nuts, now.


Well, the dude has a habit of being smarmy/phony, as well as a tendency to kind of be curt or otherwise tone-deaf with Kim. He's not an exceptionally kind or selfless guy, you know? I would not be surprised, though, to discover that these were essentially the worst of his sins. Jimmy's vendetta is very much personal,

I think the writing is too sophisticated for Hamlin to seem like an out-and-out villain. Yes, a good deal of the show is (obviously) told from Jimmy's perspective, so we don't get a lot of opportunities to see the flip side of the coin, but I think we're nevertheless meant to see Hamlin as your run-of-the-mill douche,

"I was getting a little sick of the entire internet projecting whatever
psych disorder they were already familiar with onto him."

A doctor could also make the argument that Chuck's 'electromagnetic sensitivity' is causing anxieties, and his isolation is causing depression, etc. A bit dishonest, but nevertheless leads to the same result.

It's great to see him just being… nice, you know? You could tell his being a sweetheart there was the real deal, not another act.