
There'll almost certainly be a coda, since they'll need to explain what's going on with that blank-faced weirdo who is staring Saul down. They also focused on his living room window while he was watching television, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't for nothin'.

No, you idiot; you're thinking of David Bowie. Do your goddamn research!

I'm sure someone else has mentioned this, but: Wait, Donna, you think that Chuck's condition is physiological, not psychological? Firstly, I don't think Vince Gilligan would introduce something essentially supernatural into his universe. (And let's call a spade a spade: there's no real evidence that "electromagnetic

What's especially cool is how well the introduction/reintroduction of Tuco works, regardless of which order you watch the shows. For example, if we assume that somewhere out there remains someone who knows next to nothing about Breaking Bad, and they watch Better Call Saul first…

Yeah. It's one thing to be sick of people talking about it non-stop, but they don't do that anymore, and it is legitimately good! Plus, it's hard for me to imagine someone being enthralled with Better Call Saul yet hating Breaking Bad.

This seems generally right to me, and it's what I had simply assumed going in. I also don't think Jimmy was meant to be that much younger in flashbacks, either; I assumed he was in his early thirties, and still acting like a spoiled brat in his early twenties.

My girlfriend suggested the same thing, and it seemed ingenious at first, but then… well, wouldn't the police check the boat for clues? I dunno. I was half-expecting the boat to be gone, and only Saul to notice, 'cause he'd been to their house previously. But even that's a bit of a stretch.

Thank you for defending Fly! Sure, most people already love it, as has been mentioned, but it's a bit of a sore spot with me as my friend, who is a (in my opinion) talented writer and generally a fellow with good taste, has no great love for that episode. I was essentially riveted the entire way through, enraptured by

That's never happened to you? Maybe it's a thing only neurotic people experience, but sometimes—for example, when a regret and/or embarrassing memory springs to mind—I will kind of flinch or say something out loud and under my breath and only notice it after-the-fact. Of course, I also tie criminals up in my basement

I feel silly, now, but I was a tad worried about this as well for a second, once Saul was using his magical lawyer powers to spot a clue that the cops missed.

Man, now I'm sad that that didn't happen…

Spacemeat's Sexy, Exciting "Year Late and a Few Dollars Short" Rambling Reviews

I dunno, man. For every element that worked (especially the gorgeous cinematography), we had things like 'female love interest as a toy the dude takes out to play with whenever he wants' (probably my least favorite example of Moffat's overt sexism). And the time-rape (rewriting someone's past so as to turn them into

(Yet another comment from me… in the future!)

Greetings… from the world of tomorrow!

I, for one, look forward to the Doctor's latest Time Lord archenemy, come back for revenge: the Prostitute!

It's pointless fantasy, but:

"You could always on your next regeneration transform yourself into a young foreign girl."

So, okay, I'm sick as a dog - and late in commenting (as usual). So maybe this won't be seen. (Or maybe it's already been addressed?)

Well, you're probably right about there being no 'official' canon per se (I never looked into the BBC's take on it), there is most definitely a more 'informal' canon - unwritten rules agreed upon by the community at large. That's what I was referring to. Sort of how there are official rules for the English language,