
It was like a reverse of the reveal that the Doctor who 'died' was actually a Tesselecta, since he was far from robotic in the way that the other one was.

"What does God need with a spaceship?"

I'm just glad that, for once, Moffat went with one of the more plausible twists folks suspected, instead of shit what doesn't make any sense just for the sake of having a 'surprise.' Folks place way too much emphasis on being shocked, and that's how you end up with shows like Lost.

In fairness, the episode was a little clunky and confusing on that point. So, is Danny in the Matrix, with his body being in a tank somewhere? Does this mean that Seb never existed? But we saw Missy in the hallway where he was, too. I'm not saying it's impossible to figure out, but they spent so much time trying to

No, the portal—which was basically a bright, white light—flares and then closes around them. You see them slowly fade from focus—the way Rassilon and company entered—until they are gone from the room. The Master didn't have much longer to live (how long, we don't know), and wanted revenge against Rassilon pretty

Yeah, that's a dumb complaint, unless she's mad that the Doctor left her trapped in a pocket universe, burning through her life force at an alarming rate.

I'm not too fussed. The last time we saw the Master, he was killing (it seemed) Rassilon while the portal closed around them, returning them to a Gallifrey that was about to be destroyed. However, the Doctor managed to save Gallifrey, so while the Master was burning through his life energy like whoa, we never had any

Weirdly, the Master tends to be ridiculously sexist, one of his many character flaws. I'm not sure I want Moffat to try hiding behind that, though; it's a bit too messy when one considers that he tends to make a lot of his characters sexist entirely by accident.

I'm reminded of the Toclafane, suddenly. "This man is boring!" "We want the Mr. Master!"

Also, the Eleventh Doctor initially thought (feared?) that he had regenerated into "a girl." And the Ninth Doctor joked about potentially regenerating "with two heads - or no head." I think the Eleventh Doctor also mentioned having "an aunt" with two heads in The Time of Angels, but it's been a while…

Not exactly: In The End of Time, Gallifrey is about to be destroyed by the Doctor, who "still possesses the Moment," etc. And in Day of the Doctor, we hear the War Council explain that Rassilon's plans have "already failed." Seems more like he was doing his own crazy thing, with the military left to fight the actual,

I just thought of Alan Davies on QI, who actually manages the trick of being an adorable nincompoop, even into his forties.


Late to the party, here, but yeah, one thing I liked about this approach (as opposed to some in the past where the Doctor was chastising someone for not cherishing all life and blah, blah, blah) is that it's less about the Doctor making a value judgment about someone in a vacuum, but rather the Doctor saying, 'I'm not

Late to the party, but one thing I liked about this episode is that the Doctor drew attention to something obvious, yet something I had never before even considered: If the TARDIS is actually massive on the inside—perhaps infinitely so—then it's actual weight on Earth would be proportionally nuts, too. So the TARDIS

What's cool about that theory is that it would actually make sense for her to be the Rani in that case. She'd want back as much as any other Time Lord, and was brilliant scientist (in theory, anyhow) to boot.

This is what I was thinking as well! It's far-fetched, I know, but also what they seemed to be trying to get us to wonder about with that dialogue. Maybe when the Doctor regenerated, he 'splintered' somehow? Something to do with the new set of regenerations? Or maybe she just thinks she's the Doctor? The way that dude

It's also a parallel Carl Sagan famously used when he tried to capture how fucked up a fourth-dimensional creature appearing in our reality would be. I was scared of apples dipped in ink for weeks.

… not sure how I got there from "food," beyond the fact that that awesome scene of an actor trying to fold a chair around himself and make it look like its eating him of its own volition is permanently burned into my brain…

Do inflatable chairs count? Because, if so, boy do I have some exciting news for you!