
I am not the Burt you are thinking of, unless you caught the second half of my naaaaaame!

I am merely a Burt fan.

This is the bestest song from the bestest movie ever.




I could go for a fried chicken eating competition.

Wait maybe I'm just thinking of a buffet.

"Breaking the mind/stomach barrier"

Besides the friend groups dissipating, its people migrating.

I agree with your perspective! I just moved quite a long distance and had a couple FB freakouts because ZOMGTHISRDIFFERENT and subsequently deactivated because I was missing where I was and such. But I didn't tell anyone or post any goodbye posts, I just shut it down one day.

This is epic. *Opens Mickeys*



Jon Stewart has never had qualms about criticizing the Left is Jon's point. Him criticizing the left is absolutely nothing new. When the Fox goons attempt to make their point, they undermine Jon's intentions and are massively hypocritical and self contradictory.

I could/have/would/will enjoy smoking blunts with dudes in Looney Tunes track suits. Also, I love Looney Tunes, and track suits, and the hood (OAKLAND, BABY) so I'm probably the wrong demographic.

I cannot freakin' stand the money hoodies though. Better Taz than crazy embroidered Benjammins.

I was hoping there would be a chance to discuss this!! I watched it this morning and kept thinking WHENWHENWHENWHEN can we talk about it?

SO EPIC! I feel as if Colbert's antics at one point undermined Jon's performance, and he seems to be changing the show up to be EVEN MORE AWESOME! Ohhh Jon, how great you are. Love

The hood loves some Looney Tunes track suits.

Actually, Thicke pre-emptively sued Marvin's estate because he was afraid they were going to sue him, they countersued, he argued the song had different chords and wasn't the same and he was trying to be Thicke not Marvin, AND THEN he said he wanted to channel Marvin, imploding his earlier argument.


That's funny because I've seen Ellen be unconsciously ridiculously privileged in a #solidarityisforwhitewomen sort of a way FAAAAAAR too many times. Not impressed, Ellen.

AHHHHH This is so cool. Universe why are you determined to make me miss the bay more and more each day? Not OK, yo!

SF would definitely make a better Gotham than Oakland, but it's kind of fun to imagine Batsy in my REAL home. Town bidness, baba!

Cali is a thing people say in California. I'm from California, and we say it. It's not super common, but it's not unsaid.

Decriminalizing weed HAS DONE NOTHING to decrease its use across the states where it is decriminalized or fully legal. Its merits supercede its counterculture status. I think maybe with 12-16 year olds, this has a possibility of being true, but I'll tell you this, if it was legal to smoke weed in my current state of