
I don't think there is any anti-male bias from a majority of the commenters. I just think things slip through the cracks.

Ice T did a whole lot more than "make misogyny and homophobia into an art form" and you're gonna have to come with a lot more knowledge than that if you wish to be taken seriously. While I don't approve of hero-worship of any kind, especially mixed-bag celebrities, categorizing people in a narrow way like that

That's true, but Zimmerman looks real soft and DMX is jail scene. You look at that an in Belly? He's a sculpture.

I am so dissappointed DMX won't be bashing Zimmerman into a soggy pulp. I was looking forward to that oh so much.

So well said. People are like, OMG WHAT A NUANCED VIEW??

I dunno I'm hip-hop culture through and through and basically everyone I know knows and love PB. Not underrepresented by Bay Area 20 somethings, at all, across gender, ethnicity, and income level.

I wonder if you have truly have an in-depth understanding of hip hop culture.
Hip hop heads LOVE Paul's Boutique, and hate that the Beasties get shine black innovators never get.

whether or not someone smokes cigarettes is one of the least important factors in receiving a blowjob.

That'd be nice. You can write your own killin' Marvin-esque chords, just learn a little theory and make sure you're not literally ripping someone off and denying it. I think this would have been different if Thicke had declared this an homage to Marvin. We'd still be debating the perv/rapesauce factor, no doubt, but

Thanks, Justice, for doing a passable job this time.

I don't know if I want to call it creativity... but a certain doggedness is evident in your post. And you're trying to be funny, I know you are, but I'm afraid many of your assertions and implications suck, and they indicate a very shallow, surface level analysis of everything you've discussed. Your straw-men

Apologize for previous comment. What I was trying to say, and I think some other people are getting at, is you can deconstruct the shittiness of the original image without body shaming people. I myself have a lil' belly fat but my hips are so large that everything deeply sinks in when I lay on my back, like more than

Uhm ya, you're digusting too then kthx. I'll take my giant hip bones elsewhere.

So I know it's probably a joke and all that, but Basketball is amazing sport. And it's not for everyone, sure, Kate. Maybe Michelle and her friend whose name/face I can't remember don't like it as much as I do, but sheeeeeeyit.

Basketball is poetry in motion! It's so elegant! It's so beautiful! C'mon! Tall rippling

edited: delete please, rethunk.

What should I watch instead?

Trapped inside today. Cool friend sent me season 1 of adventure time.

'Nuff said.

The Avengers was awesome, truly.

So apparently and unfortunately I can't pirate Thor 2 yet. DVD COME OUT PLX!!!!!


thank you for your kind explanations. Tomorrow will be the test!