
Honest question: why shouldn’t he be allowed to work with high school or college kids? I’m not aware of any allegations of child abuse in his past. He completed court-supervised counseling. Remember, he and his fiancée were both charged with with assault and public intoxication that night, even as ghastly as the

Bay Area-based metallic makeup and rubber mask suppliers?

Oh for fuck’s sake, these people are adult white supremacists not confused and impressionable toddlers. People kept trotting out this “let’s open a dialogue and change his mind” nonsense with regards to Richard Spencer, too. The absolute LAST thing we need to do with them is give them ever-increasing platforms for

Probably a toilet. A WHITE toilet.

Fwiw, I think the biggest snub was The Handmaiden, which has the highest tomatoscore of any film I’ve jerked off to.

According to their Constitution, the PM of Canada is technically classified as one of The Queen’s corgis.