
Jesus, he really is a fucking wordsmith, isn’t he?

The country not being on fire yet is a bar so low that FDR could get over it.

Yet, white people freak out when Idris Elba is in Thor or Michael B. Jordan is cast as Johnny Storm. I think the problem people have is that Asians and other minorities are already undercut in most American films and then you take a property from another country featuring Asian characters and make them all white and

When are they gonna make a Simpsons live-action movie?

Vikings fans definitely have to be included in people who bitch too much about refs. Christ, for a bunch of fans that worship the tough guy-archetype like Bud Grant and Mike Zimmer, they cry every fucking game about some kind of blown call that cost them a game as part of some perceived NFL bias.

Wait, so the MLB likes to watch its wife get fucked by black guys?

You can’t entirely discount AP. In the past, he’s always looked like a Man playing among Children.

Do you think it would help if he Branched out his skill set to include pass protection and catching?

What area are you in? I felt a slightly larger than normal one in Yokohama this morning and one of my friends in Saitama said it was a fairly big one there.

I know McKinnon and Asiata aren’t exactly world Beaters, but with the Vikings offensive line regularly being Abused by opposing defenses, is the Switch to Adrian Peterson really going to make much of a difference?

The fact that he had a conversation with a flaming Bush can only help him with the conservative crowd.