No on Statham for me, has the action part but nothing else. Cant act his way out of a paper bag.
No on Statham for me, has the action part but nothing else. Cant act his way out of a paper bag.
Wishful thinking. I join you in that wish but dont think its him.
They just said that the stones will not be making an appearance so not sure how that will happen. Maybe in post credit scene?
How can something be notoriously unreliable before it is even given the chance to be used and not tested? They test for a reason, to improve the reliability.
This number doesnt take into account the cost of R&D. Its $84 million to produce each plane while the plants are cranking them out and the assembly line is humming.
Are you referring to the obsessive reporting of the “failure” of the F-35 project? If so I completely agree. Dont think theres ever been the development and manufacturing of a new sophisticated weapon that has ever gone exactly to plan, but that was before blogs..
How did we convince these countries to throw in money for the development of a US jet? Seems like a pretty huge accomplishment in itself whether they buy it or not. Do we know how much of the F-35 project was funded by other countries? What percentage they paid for? Just curious
Are these numbers legit? How does the F-35 w/ all of its tech cost 40 million less than an F-18? Is it because of the assembly/production priority in the US of the F-35 that drives the cost down?
Dont see how that was a penalty. Let the kids play!
I enjoyed the article Justin! There are always going to be people who dont like or respect what you do, tune them out and keep doing what you are doing. Thanks for the post!
Him and Putin would be flying the planes. They would be great friends.
Why show off the capability of our radar and defenses against an unarmed plane? Id even guess that they were hoping we’d do exactly that so they could learn from it.
Whats the range on the phalanx? Anyone know? Those SU-24 probably wouldve been able to let loose a anti ship missile before the phalanx system kicked in, right? Just curious
WW1 ended in 1918. WW2 began in 1939.. A country that was forced to pay reparations in WW1 came close to taking over the world in the 1940's. Doesnt seem that far fetched now right?