
Not that late into the show's run, but Lost's season 3-4 additions are probably my favorite late characters. Ben and Desmonds' promotion to series regulars and the introduction of Juliet helped take the show out of its doldrums and helped drive the great second half of season 3, and the freighter characters were fun

I also watched Platoon, but this time for a 10th grade English class' film unit. We began with Singin' in the Rain, moved onto Stand By Me and a movie from the 90s that seemed to be an all-female Stand By Me, and then…Platoon.

I never saw the Arcade Fire special. Right after the promo for it my local NBC started showing a rerun of Castle. Gotta get that sweet midnight syndication money, apparently.

Ghostwatch, which was part of a British anthology series called Screen One. It purported to be a live ghost investigation featuring real celebrities, though in reality it was entirely fictional. A lack of obvious disclaimers led many to believe it was real…and given it takes a dark turn, the broadcast caused an outcry

This time around it was brought up by the BBC multiple times: in a poll on their website, in their Tweets, and even in the special itself. Since it had never been acknowledged with new series casting before I think people could have gotten the impression it was a stronger possibility this time around.

Yes, what better way to celebrate a ruling that impacts real queer people than with a image of two puppets, who are the subject of gay jokes and not actually gay, watching the Supreme Court on TV?

There was, actually! It was called The Ray Bradbury Theater and it ran on HBO and later USA in the 80s (so it was part of the brief anthology series revival with Amazing Stories, new Twilight Zone, etc). I haven't seen it, however.

BBC America used to show the UK Dragon's Den.

Props to JJ Abrams for throwing a bone to struggling white British men by casting one as Khan, originally a man of color. They don't get nearly enough exposure in media, y'know.

To those saying these are very optional: all of human existence besides our basic needs for shelter, food, warmth, drink, and mating is optional. Among animals we alone have sought more, and created art, science, and culture.

I didn't know someone liking a show you didn't is a sign of mental illness now, because apparently a show's quality is objective, beyond debate and shouldn't even be reviewed. You learn something new every day?

Lackluster special features, I'd guess. Don't know if AV Club DVD review grades are just for the film or the whole DVD though.

Conatonc: It's on daily on the not widely available MeTV.
(The channel's lineup of the Dick Van Dyke Show, M*A*S*H, the Bob Newhart Show, Mary Tyler Moore and the Odd Couple is gold by the way)

Spider-Man Enter Electro: oddly enough the redesigned level is a lot easier. Originally, there was a gap between towers. The redesigned level replaces that with a large bridge between towers - so there's less chance of falling off the building. It makes the final fight just tedious, with no challenge.

I'm glad the montage of clips is apparently cut in syndication; when aired on BBC America, they always seemed to skip over it.

Eyeballman: The sequence featuring Karen Gillan's voice over was added by BBC Worldwide for international airings - trying to explain the premise to new American fans. Far as I know, it isn't in the original British episodes.

This is about the only show on The CW I watch, though I could not tell you why; I'd subscribe to regular coverage.

I can't say how much I love DocFuture. Go watch all of his videos, especially the Friends one. And Sonic 2: Special Edition is amazing too.

It aired in 2011 and topped last year's list.

It aired in 2011 and topped last year's list.