
"there were a dozen other ways they could've set up Stone giving that (beautifully-acted) closing", honestly, I would LOVE to hear them, outside of the judge ordering him to assume the first chair position and give the closing I can't think of a believable scenario where the Stone character, as he's been presented,

Thanks so much for explaining that, now it seems more obvious to me, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out who those heads were supposed to belong to and definitely didn't recognize that they were all inside the flag, I was truly hoping that someone in the discussion thread would clarify it for me!

You are so right, when I saw the Lois Smith scene she just killed it and I was convinced that she would win her well deserved Emmy, well it was a true travesty that she didn't get the nod. I had the pleasure of working with her many years ago on a small film and she could not have been a nicer person, a consummate

I have to note the very eloquent first paragraph written by Alex, not only is it an accurate summation of the core emotional heart of the show, it's also a beautiful sentiment on loss. A passage definitely worth quoting the next time I need to sooth the broken heart of a friend or family member who is reeling from the

For everyone who loves The Knick, you owe it to yourselves to go and listen to the fantastic podcasts on… , the two principal writers talk with actors from the show as well as members of the crew like the individuals involved in the splendid effects work on the show. The last podcast on