
it has most of DeNiro’s best lines (culled from memory)

And whoever ordered this interior combination should be hit over the head with a baseball bat. It looks like the wallpaper of a vintage Welsh kitchen just vomited all over the interior.

So Oshkosh has the longest racing history of any brand?

“Sticks and stones will break my bones but”

And the best part is, you can be done by lunchtime!

Sit in the interior of the 996 and you will understand why no one wants them. The interior is actually worse than the exterior.

Some bad data interpretation going on here.

Baby boomers are just past their midlife crisis now

Hot Lap Mode: everything on, 500hp and 538 lb-ft on tap


Then sit back and realize all of this is completely moot if you ever drive through a town where the police are equipped with automatic license plate readers. In my town, most (not all) of the police cars are outfitted and I'm told they can scan plates as fast as they pass, even in pretty heavy traffic. Your car

They look so sad.

*buys $4k Mercedes instead*

I...I couldn't help myself.