
Be careful. Rooting for the Eagles is like being addicted to Meth. To those who’ve never done it before, it would seem like a bad idea, at first. Then you’ve done it a few times without it affecting you too much, so you keep doing it. Eventually, you’ve probably been arrested on multiple occasions and have lost some

At first I thought it was a stylized phoenix.

So... a parroty, of the Firebird?

(Contents of the letter) We (North Korea) propose that:

I started dating a girl the spring before I turned 21 just to kill some time before we both left for other things in the fall. A girl we both knew had a 1 month old and asked us to watch him for a few hours one night and ended up gone all night and the next day, then she would ask us to watch him overnight and be gone

The frikkin’ dust in this house...

I’m not sure what to say to Alli. “I’m sorry” just feels so meaningless. I’ve repeated it too many times over the

When they build a functional prototype, they should fly you out for a test drive. They clearly value your opinion.

I would post 500 times
And I would post 500 more
Just to be the thousandth man to post a joke
About Italian cars of yore.

But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles
To fall down at your door?

Also if your school has outside walls, it probably already has giant holes in them. They look like this:


Okay, two things:

1.) I am an educator. I’ve been teaching for just under fifteen years now, and the idea of arming educators for the sake of defending students is idiotic for a multitude of reasons, chief among them that training a person to react calmly under fire takes a hell of a lot longer than it does to earn

The manyfold will still have cracking issues.

This will increase the average quality of “Chrysler products” manyfold.

Chrysler will become our new corporate pre-owned division. We see great opportunity in targeting CarMax and the like with our existing dealer network.

If he finds himself stuck in second gear, then there’s always top gear.

so like the base building, resource gathering kind of survival game? like ark survival? id be down for that as long as they nail performance and optimization. oh! and keep the chinese farmers off the servers! they were so annoying in ark. caused lag and griefed players like there was no tomorrow!