That's the thing, doing what you did should of unlocked a bunch of stuff. Doing the fun thing should reward you with more fun stuff not "here now we got some homework for you, but after you can go back to having fun".
That's the thing, doing what you did should of unlocked a bunch of stuff. Doing the fun thing should reward you with more fun stuff not "here now we got some homework for you, but after you can go back to having fun".
Yeah that is unnerving. I found it's quicker to restart to undo the timer. That's not how a game should work.
It feels like they didn’t think about progression at all though. Game has a really weird balance. It’s like you have 3 weapon slots but only ever use whatever crazy launcher you picked up at the moment. They should push you towards the fun not keep you from it.
Hope you like gliding through circles cause that becomes like 30% of the game if you mess with trying to unlock a lot of stuff. They have some fun races but the category for the wing suit needs like 200 gears while everything else is about a third of that. Tethers are like 20.
Yeah but you have unlimited “pulling down stuff with tethers” so you basically use them for almost everything. If they’re going to have weapons in game they have to be balanced to that, as it stands everything is so far below tethers starting out you don’t mess with it. Lots of creative fun ruined by saying “screw it…
I think the game would have been better without any unlocks, just give you everything at the start. Also unlimited ammo.
Yeah prices will drop because being rift ready will be a selling point. You might not want a BR machine but knowing your next PC could handle it will basically be what everyone shoots for in the next few years.
Not for a few years, til the hardware is cheaper. People really want this stuff to go mainstream but it's all too expensive.
Yeah I’m tired of anti-preorder pandering. People get ripped off every day buying energy jewels in mobile games but we can accept that being a “buyer beware” scenario, but when Arkham Knight sucks that’s the big evil at the heart of the industry.
I am Optimus Primed for another Platinum Transformers. I will Bumblebee waiting for news my good man. Skids!
Someone did a video on how all the different factions in 3 and NV are stand-ins for different foreign policy designs. I don’t feel that with 4, more like they’re all characters in a Nihilistic Coen brothers film. Heads or tails Brotherhood?
That gif is glorious. It’s like that painting from Ghostbusters 2, you just get pulled in.
Oh man I wish that movie was an adventure game.
we need a st. elmo’s fire game. rob lowe playing the sax could be like a rhythm game segment.
Turkeys. All of them.
What if they made a Gundam type toy game? That could be so great.
It was always there just lost in translation.